Monday, October 1, 2012

How to control woodpeckers?

Woodpeckers are found mostly in or on the edge of wood areas and are dependent on trees for shelter and food. As woodpeckers are a protected species so it is imperative that woodpecker control measures are humane and do not cause any harm to the birds.

Woodpecker deterrent is widely used for bird netting as it is easy to install. Woodpecker netting comes in 14’ by 100’ pieces and thus makes it easy to install. Once installed properly, it is virtually invisible. Woodpecker netting is a very light in weight, durable and U.V. protected polypropylene. In addition, netting is the most effective and reliable way to protect your home from woodpeckers. These nets come in different materials including plastic, stainless steel nets and textile.

Installation is easy. You can either drape down the netting at the side of the building using weights or can fix the netting to the building using adhering clips. It should be kept in mind that the netting should be installed away from the walls of the building.

It is significantly important that you be practical and install woodpecker control before the birds come and definitely before they start nesting.

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