Monday, May 20, 2013

How to Keep Pigeons away from your Houses

Pigeons are among urban pest birds and their droppings deface many roofs, monuments, and public spaces. Pigeon droppings contain uric acid, which can damage the finish on buildings, automobiles paints etc. They can cause diseases like Histoplasmosis, Cryptococcosis, Psittacosis, and St. Louis Encephalitis. This article at provides different pigeon control methods and tips to get rid of pigeons.


  1. Try using sticky chemicals that make it very uncomfortable for birds to perch on it. Once sprayed, they will stay away. Buy these chemicals at places that sell pest control products. Use according to the manufacturer's instructions.

    Raccoon Removal Orange County

  2. Alfred, that is a really great idea! I should try that at my place. The pigeons just love to perch up on my weather vane and on the fence. It's so frustrating! I hate finding their little droppings everywhere. Do you know what chemicals I should try that won't hurt my fence?

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