Friday, March 29, 2013

How to Keep birds away from your restaurant?

If you have an open restaurant, you must be having difficulty keeping birds away. Restaurant patios are favorite habitats for birds. The trashcans, dumpsters, and food particles left on and beneath the tables and chairs attract birds and offer them a good time.

As birds are known to pose serious harm to humans and can also affect the visual appearance and beauty of your restaurant, you must keep these pest birds away from your restaurant. 

Here are some effective ways of keeping birds away from restaurants:

Apply bird gels on lights, umbrella tops and other fixtures in your restaurant patio to create an uncomfortable surface for birds to land on.

Install bird spikes. They create uneven landing surface for pigeons and deter them from perching on your restaurant roofs, girders, and gutters. You can install them almost anywhere to get rid off the birds.

Put up a bird sonic device. It would produce sounds that would scare away the birds and would discourage them entering your restaurant patios and open areas. You may buy the device that makes the predator sounds for a particular species of birds or you may buy the one that can make different sounds for a variety of bird species.

Get an electric bird control system. The moment birds put their foot on these tracks, they will hop off and would not dare to come again. You can mount the electric bird control system on the roof tops, parapets, beams, eves, and signs.

Hire professional bird control company to get rid off birds if you are unable to control them on your own. They have knowledge as well as experience in controlling birds of all types in commercial buildings, homes, bridges, schools, parks, and many other places.

Why you must get rid off pigeons?

Getting rid off pigeons is really important if they have inhabited your residential building, food warehouse, or factory. Pigeons can create a number of problems and the sooner you get rid off them, the better it would be.

Pigeons pose serious threat to human health and safety. Their droppings are highly infectious and are known to spread serious diseases and flues. The droppings left by pigeons affect the visual appeal and appearance of a building, especially those made out of Marble, limestone, and other expensive natural stones. Bird droppings are acidic in nature and leave permanent marks on the expensive floors and walls.

Then bird droppings often lead to accidents in workplaces as if left on walkways, staircases, and entrances people usually slip and trip. Cleaning pigeon droppings is quite expensive. You normally require the services of specialists to remove the infectious and disease carrying droppings in a proper manner.

It doesn’t come as a surprise why getting rid off the pigeons has become a major concern of the city health officials in most countries across the world and also with private building owners and businesses.

In order to get rid off pigeons, several devices and techniques have emerged. There are also companies that offer pigeon control solutions and services to deal with the pigeons effectively.