Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bird Nettings – An Effective Protection from Pest Bird Menace

There are quite a few kinds of bird traps and bird netting techniques that can be undertaken to achieve the desired results in effective bird control. Bird netting is a pretty reliable tool for protection from nuisance caused by excessive bird breeding on or around buildings. They come in a variety of materials such as textiles, plastics, and stainless steel.

Bird netting can be installed using two separate methods - using high quality bonding agents, or by using cable frames made from steel. Using the second technique involves boring or clamping of the net along with the frame. Apart from this, there are combination systems available in the market as well, which are useful as an alternative to big and recurring installations. These systems usually consist of stretched stainless steel wires that act like a net. Other options include architectural cables, which along with being effective bird traps, are quite easy on the eye as well, and steel wires and metal meshes used as an alternative façade for the building.
A bird spike too, is an effective control utility for birds like pigeons. Although, there are different types of spikes available for different species and sizes of birds. Anti-roosting spikes can be attached to windows ledges, terraces and courtyards - places where pest birds like pigeons find places to breed and lay eggs. The metal pins on a bird spike do not harm the birds physically. Instead they force them out, and make them find a different place to flourish in.

One also has the option of installing Pigeon wires on terraces and courtyards. This is an inexpensive and efficient tool to make your floored home free of any bird menace.

For additional information, and a detailed catalogue of bird control products and service, visit: www.birdcontrolsolutions.net


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